
Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Sleepness Update

The way this entry should begin:
" I went to bed last night, exaughted out of my mind and fell asleep instantly..........."
Um, not so much
I want to bed last night, tired out of my mind alright
and proceeded to lie awake until 3 am
then proceeded to wake up at 6:30 am and remain awake for an indetermine period
So tired..............
I was REALLY TEMPTED to pick up some OTC sleep shit at Rite-aid today. But, with my addictive tendencies, I figured that was a really bad idea. Even if I didn't become chemically dependent, I probably would develop a phycological reliance on the stuff.
So I just have to wait and hope the cycle breaks eventually (maybe tonight?)

After playing phone tag for a number of days, I managed to get a "we think, but don't know" answer about chair parts. Hopefully will be fixed soon.
In all fairness, they're good people who've been great to me, but their communcation between departments is pretty bad.

In other news, the sitcom "Committed" has got to be the funniest show since Seinfeld. It has me literally rolling on my floor and laughing every time.
Speaking of seinfeld has anyone noticed (and I use prime time comedy as my standard for this) the phrase "do me a solid" making a reappearence in colloquial speech, funny that.

Cool phil quote of the night:
"And so they will not stop asking for the causes of causes until you take refuge in the will of God, i.e., the sanctuary of ignorance"
- Spinoza, The Ethics
Sipnoza's concept of god strikes me as really interesting(as I currently understand it). He denies the athrpomophic nature of god vigiously. What he's left with, he seems to refer to as "God" merely for convience. It could easily be called "reality" or "the laws of nature." I seem to recall reading that Einstein was a fan of the Spinozan concept, I can see why.
Another (geeky) post to follow


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