
Saturday, April 02, 2005

"....It's the ones with the sorest thoarts..."

"...,laura, that have done the most singing"
Somehow I don't think this is what Coner Obest meant.
My Thoart is killing me. Went to the doctor, my rapid strep test was negative, though it really FEELS like strep. In any case, they gave me a course of antibotics anyway(yes, I know overprescription of antibiotics is one of the most serious problems facing medicine in this coutry, but right now, if there's a chance it will help, I don't give a damn). Yes, I will finish the whole course, I'm not stupid. On a semi-related note, I've been watching WAY too much ER, I think I could run through standard trauma protocol from memory (granted, I don't know what have the stuff is for, but that's a minor detail).
Seriously though, upon being labeled "smart", a number of people seem to think one should go to or at least consider med school. Personally I have no interest in being responsible for other lives (I'm not doing that great a job being responsible for my own)
I think I'm gonna call it a night.
postscriptum: Despite being sick today was my most productive day in a long time. Largely because productivity==coding. Should have a semi-working version of the bug database project by tomorrow (It may just be good enough to eat my own dogfood. Though using it for very long will require switching webhosts, of course once I do that I might as well go ahead and install bugzilla, I could use it with my current host, if I gave up the instilation of phpBB(which I'm not actually using atm).


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