
Sunday, February 13, 2005

Blogger UI: Now slightly less Harmful

Well, they listened (sort of). Though they are still many, many issues with blogger comments, they've added the option to specify a non-user name. So use it please.
I figured out how the link thing is supposed to work. You have to type any text coming directly after the link BEFORE creating the link, which totally distrubs the flow of typing. Leland and I started to plan out rolling our own blogging software. I ended up with way more work than I expected this weekend, so no essay for sure. I may try and do a non-personal blog post tomorrow, we'll see.
I've spent most of my day working on a network verison of Pong (for a class) which is actually kind of fun. Of course, it doesn't actually work yet..
Oh and the thing I was really worried about is somewhat stable, so I feel a little better.


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